David Mahaley

Value Statement
I celebrate the times where training and support results in learning occurring in a more effective, enjoyable, and complete way. My work includes creating an environment that encourages skill development, positive experiences, and constant refinement to provide a better result.
Helping Educators and Learning Developers
With over 30 years of experience in education, technology integration, and curriculum development, I can bring a new perspective to existing technology programs. From large system-wide implementations to individual learning experiences, I can provide the guidance necessary to illuminate the pathway to success. As a Learning Management System (LMS) administrator and e-Learning developer, I understand how the tools needed in an organization can come together in a common learning space to maximize the impact and effectiveness of related technologies.

Looking for a complete online learning experience? Need experience in selecting the right learning management system and content resource manager? Guided by years of experience in managing an LMS and developing learning experiences, we can work together to find the best solution for your situation. Project management emphasizes communication, collaboration, review, and improvement as we work towards a complete learning experience. Collaborative tools and extensive learning analytics can help ensure learning goals are met.

As a seasoned instructional designer, I bring the qualifications and experience necessary to design and deploy learning elements according to specifications and timelines. With a wealth of knowledge about learning, curriculum design, and assessment, I know how to bring elements of media together to engage learners and produce positive learning results. I have many years of experience with traditional presentation platforms (PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, etc), the Adobe Creative Cloud elements, Adobe Captivate, Storyline 360, and Lectora.

Complete samples are available upon request
Using the advanced tools of Adobe Captivate makes learning experience highly interactive, results driven, and portable to the LMS of choice. User interaction data helps the organization realize the achievement profiles of each learner. Integration of a variety of media types, learning interactions, and monitoring keeps the learner engaged and moving towards the objectives of the experience.

Over 30 years of presenting at a variety of gatherings at the local, state, national and international conferences, I bring a wealth of experience and perspectives to the field of technology and learning. From micro-learning to multi-day workshops, I have the background to make the professional development experience rewarding and sustainable. Previous topics have included Technology Leadership, Teaching & Learning with the iPad, Adobe Captivate Training, Technology Implementation, Assessment Platforms, Application Review, Classroom Technologies, among many others.

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Let’s Get Started
If looking for someone with the necessary experience in educational technology, e-learning development, and learning management administration, I bring all of this to work for you. All projects, regardless of how large or small, I provide the best product to match your needs.

As an experienced presenter and workshop leader, I can help train and prepare your team on a variety of topics. From complete learning solutions consulting, learning management systems, Adobe Captivate projects, project management, technology implementation, and more, I can structure the experience to meet your needs.

My services are customized to meet the specific needs of each client. I work collaboratively throughout the entire process and guarantee measurable results. Contact me to find out how I can help today.